Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

When it comes to Foveon, do sizes matter?

Why I changed my Sigma SD Quattro with a H model.

There are more than a few things in common between Foveon photographers and insecure males, but they also share a fundamental question: do sizes matter? A few days ago, I had the opportunity to upgrade: I added the H model to my Sigma SD Quattro. The difference is simple: the H model has an Aps-h sensor with a 1.3 crop factor. The original Quattro features a slightly less than the regular Aps-c sensor, with a crop factor of around 1.

Infrared photography with Foveon

A quick gallery of black and withe infrared results with the Sigma SD Quattro

In recent days I had the opportunity to participate in a photographic trip in a wood. The theme was “the place of ancestral fears”, and in the absence of better ideas I decided to experiment with the Sigma SD Quattro without an IR-cut filter, but with a 720nm filter mounted on the lens. The results are, in my opinion, good on a technical level and attributable to the film with which they show remarkable similarities.

Visualizing Foveon

How RawDigger can help us better understand what Foveon is and why it's so good

Foveon is undoubtedly a fascinating technology. In an era characterized by the invasion of camera AI and the return to film, this technology seems capable of combining the best of digital and analog. It retains the authenticity of analog, while from digital it inherits the low environmental and economic costs of management. But, what is Foveon? Conceived in 1997 with the contribution of the Italian genius of Federico Faggin(former inventor of the modern microprocessor and touchscreen!

RawDigger: a useful tool for taking better photos

When you want to get the most out of your photos, relying on camera software is not enough, luckily this program comes in handy.

“If you shoot RAW you get better photos” this is one of the mantras that the novice photographer hears himself repeated over and over. In themselves, RAWs are not better pictures, because… they are not pictures! They are a series of information from which a photo can be extracted, that final JPEG that we will display on the screen or print. This first point, apparently trivial, brings with it a not insignificant consequence.

Sigma SD Quattro - hands on

A powerful but untrained animal in your hands

Much has been written about Foveon sensors, and a lot will be on this blog too. In this short review I do not want to talk about the (extraordinary!) image quality of this camera, but to illustrate how it looks in the hands. Right from the start, it is almost impossible to place the Sigma Quattro in the traditional categories in which we are used to dividing cameras. We can say that it is mirrorless, as the machine does not have a mirror and therefore an optical viewfinder.