Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Contax 645 80mm Planar f2 on GFX with Fringer adapter

How this combination can become a viable replacement for the Fujifilm 80mm.

The Contax 645 80mm Planar is a legendary lens that needs no introduction. This lens alone is enough to justify the purchase of a Contax kit and is still used today by countless wedding guests. It is probably one of the most popular medium format lenses ever and one of the latest and most advanced to be produced. However, today shooting only in film can be challenging, especially in terms of costs.

Contax G 28mm f 2.8 Biogon

An unsung workhorse finally gets its song

Some heroes are celebrated more than others. They gradually enter the legends and remain etched in the collective imagination. Much the same happens with lenses. However, there are also some equally deserving people who for one reason or another never rise to the status of legends. Not that they’re much worse, but they’re just not flashy enough to make headlines. Also in this case there is a parallelism in photography. The Contax G 28mm Biogon is exactly that: a great performer, who is never talked about well enough.

Sigma 18-35mm f1.8, f***ing amazing!

A lens to good to be true, the perfect companion for Foveon photography.

The arrival of the zoom market in the 70s and 80s profoundly changed the photography market. For the first time, the amateur photographer, as well as the reporter, could have several focal lengths attached to their camera at the same time. The possibilities in terms of versatility of use and convenience were almost endless. No longer the need for two camera bodies, no more risky lens changes, but the lens always engaged and ready for use.

Contax Hologon 16mm - History and black and white samples

An introduction to a truly unique, costly, and particularly rare lens

There are things in life that are rarely done, and graduating is for sure one of them. A few weeks ago, the inevitable happened to me too, thus concluding my academic career. Just in those days, my trusted dealer listed a 16mm Hologon, the widest lens ever made for Contax G. Like most 16mm, it is not something one ever really needs. At the same time, it seemed like a curious coincidence, and I was looking for a small gift to buy myself: in other words, I could not resist.

Helios 44, bokeh lens and nothing else?

A lens with an unmistakable personality, but not very suitable to become an economical and versatile 50mm

There are some lenses that, since the analog reappeared, have acquired a real cult status. One of the most popular of them is certainly the Helios 44. This piece of Soviet scrap metal produced by KMZ for 40 years is one of those lenses that never go out of style. Its unique circular bokeh that is always recognizable contributed to the popularity that never ended, so much so that it is still produced today.