Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

When it comes to Foveon, do sizes matter?

Why I changed my Sigma SD Quattro with a H model.

There are more than a few things in common between Foveon photographers and insecure males, but they also share a fundamental question: do sizes matter? A few days ago, I had the opportunity to upgrade: I added the H model to my Sigma SD Quattro. The difference is simple: the H model has an Aps-h sensor with a 1.3 crop factor. The original Quattro features a slightly less than the regular Aps-c sensor, with a crop factor of around 1.

Contax G1 silver label conversion to green label

Upgrade your Contax G1 to support the 21mm and 35mm lenses

Contax G1 cameras come in two versions: silver label (also called sometimes “white labels”) and green label. The white label version s the original one, while the green one was introduced a couple of years later to support the new lenses: the 21mm and the 35mm. For a while, it was possible to send the first version to the factory or a repairer to get the camera updated. Now, it seems no one offers this service anymore.

The Tabernacle: an exhibition by Kate Dunn

A little show with a lot of potential

“The Tabernacle” is one of those exhibitions that you meet a little by chance. Venice is probably the most beautiful city on the planet and has an almost endless list of things to see. There is here plenty of choice for art lovers, and running out of things to see is impossible. And if you are among the lucky ones who have been to see every single Bellini painting in the city, you should give me a good reason not to start over.

Archaeology Now: why Damien Hirst is a genius

How to try to reconcile us and the ancients in the contemporary world

This blog is about photography, but not only. Photography is a passion that often does not talk about itself, but dialogues with the subject. It is, for example, our pursuit of interesting and new subjects that pushes us to travel. After observing some images on the web, I decided to visit Damien Hirst’s <a href=“https://galleriaborghese.beniculturali.it/en/exhibition/damien-hirst/"http://google.com")" target="_blank” rel=“noopener noreferrer”>“Archaeology Now”exhibition at the Borghese Gallery in Rome. Needless to say, I liked it a lot, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell my two readers why.

Contax G 28mm f 2.8 Biogon

An unsung workhorse finally gets its song

Some heroes are celebrated more than others. They gradually enter the legends and remain etched in the collective imagination. Much the same happens with lenses. However, there are also some equally deserving people who for one reason or another never rise to the status of legends. Not that they’re much worse, but they’re just not flashy enough to make headlines. Also in this case there is a parallelism in photography. The Contax G 28mm Biogon is exactly that: a great performer, who is never talked about well enough.