Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Konica Hexanon 40mm, a lens of true value

A lens for beginners, but with incredible potential and value

Although Konica has ceased to exist for the past 20 years, the Japanese company could boast almost 130 years of experience in the photographic industry at the time of closing. Taking this small lens in hand, you soon realize the mastery achieved by the industry of the rising sun at the end of the 1970s. This pancake lens is one of the most versatile of focal lengths, suitable for practically everything.

Seagull 4A: welcome to the tlr world!

This budget friendly tlr is the only thing you need to enter the 120 world

The twins lens reflex cameras (tlr) are undoubtedly cameras of the past, but still of great charm and rediscovered use. The possibility of having the quality of the medium format with a contained weight and dimensions made them popular around the middle of the last century. These qualities are still appreciated by photographers today, so much so that we are witnessing a real renaissance of TLRs. As evidence of this, we find a general increase in prices, with several Rolleiflex models now unapproachable.

Sigma 18-35mm f1.8, f***ing amazing!

A lens to good to be true, the perfect companion for Foveon photography.

The arrival of the zoom market in the 70s and 80s profoundly changed the photography market. For the first time, the amateur photographer, as well as the reporter, could have several focal lengths attached to their camera at the same time. The possibilities in terms of versatility of use and convenience were almost endless. No longer the need for two camera bodies, no more risky lens changes, but the lens always engaged and ready for use.

Fomaspeed Variant 313: the Ilford MG V killer?

First approach with the Fomaspeed Variant 313 and comparison with Ilford MGV pearl

Often on the Internet, resin coated papers live in the shadow of the myth of fiber based ones: it is said that they are good only for learning or for spending less. There is a grain of truth in that, but with modern products, the difference in quality has narrowed a lot: now RC papers can reach a considerable maximum density, and the processing of polyethylene has reached a point where the surfaces, although not comparable to paper, are perfectly credible.

FUJIFILM GA645: more than a 120 point and shoot

Often called - wrongly - a portrait machine, this is an ideal companion for travel and excursions

We usually associate medium format with the word “professional”. This equation is historically accurate: the 135 format was reserved for amateurs and photojournalists, with surprising overlaps between these two categories. The point & shoots then were totally a consumer product dedicated to enthusiasts, but not too advanced. So seeing a point & shoot in 645 format, with the word “professional” on it, creates a bit of an oxymoron. Is it possible to make these different souls coexist?