Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Milan - Cohabitation

My second zine on Milan in 2020 is finally published!

I am really proud of this second little book, here you can see a small selection of the 36 photos selected. I felt almost a duty - but a pleasant one - to portray my city in such an exceptional time. All the pictures were shot on film and home-developed. Do you want a copy? Contact me!

Visualizing Foveon

How RawDigger can help us better understand what Foveon is and why it's so good

Foveon is undoubtedly a fascinating technology. In an era characterized by the invasion of camera AI and the return to film, this technology seems capable of combining the best of digital and analog. It retains the authenticity of analog, while from digital it inherits the low environmental and economic costs of management. But, what is Foveon? Conceived in 1997 with the contribution of the Italian genius of Federico Faggin(former inventor of the modern microprocessor and touchscreen!

RawDigger: a useful tool for taking better photos

When you want to get the most out of your photos, relying on camera software is not enough, luckily this program comes in handy.

“If you shoot RAW you get better photos” this is one of the mantras that the novice photographer hears himself repeated over and over. In themselves, RAWs are not better pictures, because… they are not pictures! They are a series of information from which a photo can be extracted, that final JPEG that we will display on the screen or print. This first point, apparently trivial, brings with it a not insignificant consequence.

Bessa R - Unboxing a 2000 camera!

A new-vintage camera is opened for the first time 20 years after its fabrication.

2020 was a challenging year for many, so it seemed right to end it by giving myself a small treat. I was lucky enough to find one of those so-called “mint with box” cameras on my hands. I know that behind these words often lies a scam, but in this case, the shop was not lying, and the device was brand new. By new I mean never opened, still wrapped in cellophane, and without ever taking a roll.

Nikonos IV-A: the perfect winter camera?

An amphibious camera, solid as a tank with an 80s look, but capable of returning excellent images even after forty years

Winter is a complex season for photographers: the lack of light, chill, and rain are not a camera’s best friends. When there is little light, the ISO can be raised, while to shelter from the elements we choose tropicalized cameras. However, when we move on to film, the matter becomes more complicated. We cannot reach the now stratospheric possibilities of digital sensors and we do not want to run the risk of ruining a device that very often has no longer a repair service.