Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Contax G 35mm Planar: an undeserved bad reputation

How a real summicron killer became the ugly duckling of the G series

The G series of rangefinder camera lenses created by Carl Zeiss in the 1990s is universally considered one of the best creations of the turn of the century, an absolute swan song for film. However, among so many lenses acclaimed by the public and critics like the 45mm Planar, there has always been a caveat. The 35mm, introduced later for the updated Contax G1 green label, was immediately judged too soft and inferior to the rest of the kit.

Sigma SD Quattro - hands on

A powerful but untrained animal in your hands

Much has been written about Foveon sensors, and a lot will be on this blog too. In this short review I do not want to talk about the (extraordinary!) image quality of this camera, but to illustrate how it looks in the hands. Right from the start, it is almost impossible to place the Sigma Quattro in the traditional categories in which we are used to dividing cameras. We can say that it is mirrorless, as the machine does not have a mirror and therefore an optical viewfinder.

Anish Kapoor in Venice: a missed opportunity?

Lights and shadows of an exhibition that could and should have been much more.

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Anish Kapoor exhibition in Venice. I wanted to let some time pass before writing about it to process better what I had seen. An exhibition has rarely left me so fascinated and angry simultaneously. But let’s start with the facts. The exhibition is divided into two exhibition spaces, one part at the Accademia Galleries and one at Palazzo Manfrin.