This blog is one year old!

A small summary of the past year and the good intentions for the new one

Posted by Davide Caniatti on Saturday, December 4, 2021


Exactly one year ago I published the first article on this site. Many things have changed in the last year, for example, I finally got my master’s degree. At the same time, many things have remained the same, such as unfortunately the pandemic and the difficulties in traveling. What has not changed is also my passion for photography, but also the visual arts in general. Compatibly with my work, I decided to dedicate even more time to it, enrolling in a class at IED Milan. The anniversary is always a time, however, to take stock and make good resolutions for the future, so … let’s get started!

First of all, we must ask ourselves how this blog adventure is going - for now. For my part, I must admit that it was challenging. Forcing myself to write articles in a language other than mine at more or less regular intervals is ultimately not as simple as it seems. In the end, I published 28 articles, less than the estimated 40, but still at least two a month. At the same time, it was a great opportunity to cultivate my passion for photography and gradually find new excuses to buy cameras.

But the question that I ask myself is: “does anyone read this blog?” Surprisingly, yes! Of course, I’m not an influencer to any extent and my numbers compared to any of them are ridiculous. At the same time, they are numbers that I am proud of because they are the result of so much commitment and passion. Let’s start from the total interactions with the blog, what we could commonly call the “click count”: the total clicks are 14,047. Unique users are understandably fewer, coming in at 1,558.

What is interesting, however, is their distribution. I didn’t think a small blog like this could be read in such distant countries. I think it is a sign that analog photography (and not only), now that it is inflated in the West, becomes accessible for the first time in the rest of the world. In first place among the places that read me, we find Italy (grazie!), Followed by the USA and the UK. However, the total countries are 65, spread over all continents. At the level of continents, after Europe and North America we find Asia, where, depending on the country, the analog photographic market is either already very flourishing, or is exploding.

The geographic distribution of who reads me. I take this opportunity to greet my two readers in Kyrgyzstan!

As for the most read articles, the Contax world is the master. I must confess that it fills me with pride. As a Contax-boy convinced in his supremacy over Leica, I can only savor this moment. At the same time, <a href=“"")" target="_blank” rel=“noopener noreferrer”>I thank Zendaya for doubling my cameras in value and tripling the online interest in them. In particular, I care that the most read article is the one about the Planar 35mm G, a lens that has been snubbed for too many years and is now taking a little revenge. In general, however, themes like the Foveon are more niche, but they are a useful exercise for me to understand how to make the most of its possibilities.

All things considered, one wonders what will happen to this blog. First of all, I solemnly renew my commitment here for at least another year. Compatibly with my work, I would also like to increase the pace of publications. I would also like to expand the topics covered even further: more space will therefore be given to the visual arts in general, as well as articles that we could define more “opinion” on photography will debut. In conjunction with the arrival of a GFX in my kit, a new trend on the digital medium format will soon open. I think this will be the future for much of professional digital photography and I’d like to talk about it now that the medium is still young. As for analog photography, on the other hand, I confess that I will have to think carefully as today’s prices are quite crazy, especially for 35mm. I will not abandon the Foveon instead and try to see how it can at least replace the slides in this particular historical moment.

In conclusion, I can say that blogging is always a fun opportunity to talk about photography and photographic tools, two of my great passions. As anticipated there will be news, while many things will remain the same. Finally, a special thanks to all the people who helped me create and maintain this blog! For sure the year ahead will be no less adventurous than the one we passed, but we hope it will be full of beautiful photographs and endless chats for all of us!

The author, happy as he wanders around an exhibition in 2021.