Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

A great start for 2022

Our darkroom is finally open for business!

If this article leaves you a bit confused it is because it is slightly different from the rest of this site. Despite the word “blog”, I have tried more or less carefully to not talk too much about myself inside. Not that the topic may not be interesting, but because it is something I already indulge in too often. So I would like to talk about what we have been doing with a dear friend of mine.

Anish Kapoor in Venice: a missed opportunity?

Lights and shadows of an exhibition that could and should have been much more.

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Anish Kapoor exhibition in Venice. I wanted to let some time pass before writing about it to process better what I had seen. An exhibition has rarely left me so fascinated and angry simultaneously. But let’s start with the facts. The exhibition is divided into two exhibition spaces, one part at the Accademia Galleries and one at Palazzo Manfrin.