Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

45mm Pentax 6x7: a great lens with a bigger neighbor

A super wide-angle with great performance, but with a bulky neighbor and an undeserved reputation

The Pentax 6x7 lens series has been the flagship of the Japanese house for over 50 years. The first company to invest in 6x7, a format that combined the aspect ratio of the optical bench and the portability of the medium format, the 45mm is the widest-angle lens ever produced for it. Actually, there would also be a 35mm, but it is a fisheye, which, therefore, we are not going to analyze.

Pentax 6X7 VS Pentax 67II: the battle of the giants

An epic clash between two medium format titans, but will the $1000 difference be justified?

In recent years we have witnessed an authentic resurrection of the 6x7 format. Not that this format, to be honest, ever went away. At the same time, the prices of some of its cameras have gone up more than any other system. This interest is justified, despite the increases in recent years, since the prices compared to the 90s are negligible. With less than $1500, it is now possible to build a kit that at the time was the prerogative only of renowned studios and established professionals.