Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Contax 645: the wedding test

Shooting a wedding with a Contax 645 as second camera body in 2022

In early June, I was hired for the first wedding of my life. It is not the first time that I have been paid - a little - to be a photographer, but it was the very first time someone entrusted me the most important day of their life. I was very anxious and nervous at the same time. The set-up was ready: my trusty Fuji GFX 50R with 32-64mm and the adapted 80mm Planar T *.

Can a Contax TVS Digital be your only point & shoot?

One year later, I stopped buying 35mm point and shoot and stick with this Contax.

<a href=“https://davidecaniatti.com/post/contax-tvs-digital-shooting-with-a-2002-digital-camera/"http://google.com")" target="_blank” rel=“noopener noreferrer”>The first time I wrote about Contax TVS Digitalwas over a year ago. The discovery of this little digital camera was surprising to me. Not only does the technology of 20 years ago seem absurdly old, but above all useless. When I picked it up, I did it with an almost archaeological spirit, as if to reconstruct the functioning of a now-forgotten object. In fact, over time I realized that it is something much more: it works, and takes beautiful photos!

Contax 645 80mm Planar f2 on GFX with Fringer adapter

How this combination can become a viable replacement for the Fujifilm 80mm.

The Contax 645 80mm Planar is a legendary lens that needs no introduction. This lens alone is enough to justify the purchase of a Contax kit and is still used today by countless wedding guests. It is probably one of the most popular medium format lenses ever and one of the latest and most advanced to be produced. However, today shooting only in film can be challenging, especially in terms of costs.

Unboxing a Contax 645 kit

What better way to end 2021 and wish everyone a happy 2022?

2021 was a challenging year. Now that it comes to an end, it is right to give us a little treat. In this spirit, I tried my luck and bought myself a Contax 645. It is a bit of a gamble as these cameras are prone to problems and malfunctions. Unlike other past models, once broken there is no way to repair them. Or rather, there is a way to cannibalize other bodies to take the necessary parts, but it is never an actual repair, but at most a transplant.

Contax G 28mm f 2.8 Biogon

An unsung workhorse finally gets its song

Some heroes are celebrated more than others. They gradually enter the legends and remain etched in the collective imagination. Much the same happens with lenses. However, there are also some equally deserving people who for one reason or another never rise to the status of legends. Not that they’re much worse, but they’re just not flashy enough to make headlines. Also in this case there is a parallelism in photography. The Contax G 28mm Biogon is exactly that: a great performer, who is never talked about well enough.