Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Infrared photography with Foveon

A quick gallery of black and withe infrared results with the Sigma SD Quattro

In recent days I had the opportunity to participate in a photographic trip in a wood. The theme was “the place of ancestral fears”, and in the absence of better ideas I decided to experiment with the Sigma SD Quattro without an IR-cut filter, but with a 720nm filter mounted on the lens. The results are, in my opinion, good on a technical level and attributable to the film with which they show remarkable similarities.

Milan - Lockdown

52 weeks and a little book later.

Exactly one year ago, the first lockdown weekend began in Italy. 52 weeks later, many things have changed, while the virus is unfortunately still a constant presence. Partly out of curiosity, partly out of boredom, I then promised myself to take a camera with me every time I left the house. Looking back at these shots a year later, they appear incredibly distant, almost historical. I am happy to have grouped them for several months already because this time, of which we are now tired, will be one not too distant day seen as a unique moment in history.

Milan - Cohabitation

My second zine on Milan in 2020 is finally published!

I am really proud of this second little book, here you can see a small selection of the 36 photos selected. I felt almost a duty - but a pleasant one - to portray my city in such an exceptional time. All the pictures were shot on film and home-developed. Do you want a copy? Contact me!