Davide Caniatti

Vintage cameras, legacy lenses, Foveon & more

Cherry Blossom by Damien Hirst at Fondation Cartier

A visit to an exhibition that challenges how we will perceive today in the future

In art history manuals it is often written how great artists have almost a sixth sense in interpreting and understanding the era in which they live better than all the others around them. There is a German term -Zeitgeist- which precisely means “spirit of the time” and knowing how to grasp it would be a supreme sign of the artist’s skill. If we were to find the spirit of our time, the things that best represent it, we could easily list the pandemic, the distance, the metaverse, the network, and the crisis.

Konica Hexanon 40mm, a lens of true value

A lens for beginners, but with incredible potential and value

Although Konica has ceased to exist for the past 20 years, the Japanese company could boast almost 130 years of experience in the photographic industry at the time of closing. Taking this small lens in hand, you soon realize the mastery achieved by the industry of the rising sun at the end of the 1970s. This pancake lens is one of the most versatile of focal lengths, suitable for practically everything.