Infrared photography with Foveon

A quick gallery of black and withe infrared results with the Sigma SD Quattro

Posted by Davide Caniatti on Monday, May 3, 2021


In recent days I had the opportunity to participate in a photographic trip in a wood. The theme was “the place of ancestral fears”, and in the absence of better ideas I decided to experiment with the Sigma SD Quattro without an IR-cut filter, but with a 720nm filter mounted on the lens. The results are, in my opinion, good on a technical level and attributable to the film with which they show remarkable similarities. Although I fear that I have gone off-topic, I have observed how a forest is, first of all, a place of decomposition. The moss, the mushrooms, the trees themselves consume what was previously alive to sustain themselves. This infinite and invisible, but at the same time, the terrible process seems to me to be in tune with infrared. Albeit invisible, it surrounds and penetrates all of reality, so what better way to try to immortalize a process that is always in motion?